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How To Bolder Even P Element With Offset After H Element In Css?

I have code like this:


Normal cat


Solution 1:

You can override the style for Normal dog using h2 + p:nth-of-type(2n+3). Check below.

h2 ~ p:nth-of-type(2n+3) {
  font-weight: 600;
h2 + p:nth-of-type(2n+3) {
  font-weight: normal;
<div><h2>Cats</h2><p>Normal cat</p><p>Normal cat</p><p>Weird cat</p><p>Normal cat</p><p>Weird cat</p><p>Normal cat</p><h2>Dogs</h2><p>Normal dog</p><p>Normal dog</p><p>Weird dog</p><p>Normal dog</p><p>Weird dog</p><p>Normal dog</p></div>

Solution 2:

As stated here, you can do this by using the css ~ selector, followed by the nth-of-type (alternatively nth-child) selector.

However, this would also select every 7th item, so you have to override that by using the :not selector too. You can read more about it these selectors on the MDN: General Sibling Selector and :nth-of-type and :not.

You could use the following, which is a bit flexible:

h2 ~ p:nth-of-type(2n+3):not(:nth-of-type(6n+1)){
  font-weight: 600;

Even though you mention that the markup is static, the above selector will work should you add more "lists" of animals. Obviously, the order of weird and normal animals cannot change. The weird animal has to be the 3rd and 5th in the order.

For example:

h2 ~ p:nth-of-type(2n+3):not(:nth-of-type(6n+1)) {
  font-weight: 600;
<div><h2>Cats</h2><p>Normal cat</p><p>Normal cat</p><p>Weird cat</p><p>Normal cat</p><p>Weird cat</p><p>Normal cat</p><h2>Dogs</h2><p>Normal dog</p><p>Normal dog</p><p>Weird dog</p><p>Normal dog</p><p>Weird dog</p><p>Normal dog</p><h2>Birds</h2><p>Normal bird</p><p>Normal bird</p><p>Weird bird</p><p>Normal bird</p><p>Weird bird</p><p>Normal bird</p><h2>Monkeys</h2><p>Normal monkey</p><p>Normal monkey</p><p>Weird monkey</p><p>Normal monkey</p><p>Weird monkey</p><p>Normal monkey</p></div>

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