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Undefined Method When Creating A Helper In Rails

I tried to create a helper module to be able to set the title of a page. Of course it's not working (reference) Is there something I must define in a controller for my helpers met

Solution 1:

Helpers in Rails are methods available in views (and controllers if you include them) that allow you to avoid code repetition in views.

An example of a helper from my code is a method that renders html for facebook login button. This button is in reality more than user sees, because it's a hidden form with some additional information, etc. For this reason I wanted to make a helper method out of it, so instead of copying 10 lines of code multiple times I can call a single method. This is more DRY.

Now, back to your example, you want to do two things

  • display page <title>,
  • add <h1> header at the top of the page.

I see now where linked answer wasn't clear enough. You indeed need helper, but you also need to call it! So

# application_helper.rbdefset_title(title = "Default title")
  content_for :title, title
end# some_controller.rb
helper :applicationdefindex
  set_title("Morning Harwood")

And then in layout's views you can use:

<title> <%= content_for?(:title) ? content_for(:title) : 'This is a default title' %><</title>
<h1><%= content_for?(:title) ? content_for(:title) : 'This is a default title' %></h1>

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