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Flash As3 Xml Cdata Bold Tags Rendered In Htmltext With An Embedded Font

I'm just trying to get flash to render bold text in a dynamic text field with an embedded font, using data I've imported from an xml file using CDATA. Anyone know how to do this? X

Solution 1:

Wrap the text you want to be bold in span tags with a class name.

<description><![CDATA[ FOR THE PAST TWO YEARS, <span class="myBoldText">SUPERFAD</span> HAS WORKED...</description>

Then use a StyleSheet object to style it within your actionScript.

var my_styleSheet = newStyleSheet();
varn:Object = newObject();
n.fontWeight = 'bold';
my_styleSheet.setStyle('.myBoldText', n);
container.header.t_desc.styleSheet = my_styleSheet;
container.header.t_desc.htmlText = project_desc;

Don't forget to import the styleSheet class!

import flash.text.StyleSheet;

More info on the StyleSheet class here:

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